Common Law Admission Test i.e. CLAT is a centralized test which is conducted to get admission in the 19 most prestigious National Law Universities in India for both Undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) degree programmes. If you’re a student who wants to study to the law then you won’t be needing many reasons to set your mind up or to convince yourself but still if you are in a dilemma of whether to opt for the law as a profession or not, here are some reasons why you should opt for it. There are a lot of reasons why the legal
the profession can be perfect for you and a few of them are mentioned below:
the profession can be perfect for you and a few of them are mentioned below:
Diversity in Legal Profession: The first reason is diversity that legal profession offers to us, it is one of the best professions because of this reason only. The legal profession offers us a wide range of practice areas such as family law, criminal law, employment law, corporate law and there many other specialties and sub-specialties which you can practice. The legal profession offers diversity not only in practice areas but also in career options that are there are a number of professions such as lawyers, judges, consultants, paralegals and a lot of other professional roles too.
Financial Growth: The legal profession and the legal industry is one of the most rewarding industry since last several years. With increasing demands both profits and the job opportunities under individual lawyers as well as law firms have increased significantly that is why associates working in top firms are earning quite astonishing amount these days. Even non-lawyers are earning good these days in the legal profession.
Prestige: Legal professions has always been considered of extreme supremacy and is always highly regarded in our society. It is one of the most elite and traditional professions that is why legal professionals are always respected by the society as well as their employers. This is one of the reasons why a profession in this field is one of the best career prospects.
Intellectual Challenge: If you are not looking for a 9-5 job then this is the industry for you and this is the best part of the legal industry. It challenges you every day with all its complex legal situations and written communications. Each and every case is different from the other one and each case is unique and that is how this profession challenges you to think differently and to think out of the box and we all are very well aware that thinking is not restricted to time, it is not time-bound. Even if we are into some work we still keep on thinking and that is exactly how we come up with different ideas and this is how legal profession provides us with a dynamic intellectual environment.
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