Indian society has been rigid in many its form and hence its results have emanated in various fronts. The orthodox setup of our societies has taken a toll on various aspirants by crushing their self-aims and masquerading them by the imposition of forced careers in order to maintain a status in society. Most of the life changing decisions taken by nowadays students rests upon the advice of what their seniors felt hence keeping their own aspirations at bay. While most of their career’s decision is driven by the experience of elders, inspirations from their seniors or incompetent awareness by their teachers. It is never thought about the different calibre that each child possesses.
In such ruthless hierarchical tradition, students often become the scapegoat. SSC exams are one of the most important exams. Every lakhs of students appear for these exams which are used as a tool to calculate a student’s credibility. If they score extremely well then science is suitable, if somewhat okay then commerce or otherwise humanities. Such narrow-minded thoughts often suffocate the very existence of a human as a student.
Hence if some earlier option is undertaken then we can test ourselves better before we go to choose which stream to go to. While there is more than 160 lakh giving their 10th boards exams everywhere, hardly even 2% of them knows what they're gonna do in future. This problematic dilemma can be solved by the usage of psychometric tests which can guide students towards right things. In career counselling, the psychometric analysis is used which critically analyzes a student’s personality and comprehends about their strengths and weaknesses. With further support from the career counsellors, every student can think about the suitable stream for themselves. The test mostly comprises of questions related to aptitude, personality, logical reasoning and interests. Upon the analysis, the students are categorised in four major categories mainly, mathematics, biology, commerce and humanities.
Psychometric tests have proved to be beneficial for students who are in a dilemma regarding their future. It's important to opt for a secured future rather than throwing arrows in the dark after all these decisions will decide who you are gonna be in future. Hence psychometric tests chalk out all that is wrong while narrowing your choices gives you the most suitable of the choice to secure a promising future which is just perfect for you.
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