UGC NET Exam is one the most famous competitive exams in India. The candidates who wish to make their career in the field of academics and research mostly opt for this particular competitive exam. It is held two times in a year that is June and December. Since both, the fields have been the most sought after fields hence there is a large group of students who opt for this exam. Upon a successful clearance of exam, the filtered candidates can opt for a profession of research scholar or a lecturer in various government recognized or private institutions. Hence we lay before you some useful tips to clear your NET exam in one go.

2. Quality, not quantity: don’t go for brisk study pattern, rather draw a timetable and adhere to it. Plan your study hours on the basis of your personal capability. But rigorously follow your time table to get the best output for your dedicated inputs.
3. Systematic mode of study: don't busy yourself with a load of all subjects, rather divide your time period into all the subjects. Dedicate more time on weaker subjects. Study in a flow and study according to the set timetable which allows better understanding.
4. Timely completion: plan out what you are going to study in a day and then rigorously stick to that. Complete your study within the set hours and don’t drag them for the next day.
5. Self-study: with the advent of coaching institutes, most of the students tend to heavily rely only on their expertise and decrease their own study time. We all should remember, there is nothing better than our own self-study. Hence we should devote our time to our individual study and make it a habit of timely completion and numerous revision. All these will allow you to have a stronger command over the topics and will benefit for.
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