The burden of making a career, get yourself educated and acquiring an esteemed degree makes everyone nervous. Students now a day are in a cut throat competition to over power each other and get the best whatever they could. Students usually drag and slog themselves while studying for several hours yet not making a powerful impact. Hence the need arises to study in a smart way in order to effectively decrease time and manual power. Here are some tips on how to study smart rather studying hard:

2. Give a structure to your studies: studying anything out of blue won't fetch you good results. Hence divide your topics according to hours and subjects according to days. This allows you to manage your work load and helps you to review your progress.
3. Goal orientation: direction less study is not advised. Set a time goal for each topic. Manage your study pattern and skills to yield better results. Be clear about what you have to accomplish.
4. Don’t procrastinate: procrastination fills you with beaming confidence which hinders your day to day goals in the name of that you will do it later because you can. This thought directly and seriously affect the effectiveness of the planned study.5. Start and finish: don’t rush to next topic without completing the previous one. This harms the effectiveness of both the current, previous and next topic. Spend quality time on a topic with the focus for better understanding.
6. Make notes: revising the whole textual knowledge won't be possible due to time constraints. Hence make it a habit to make notes in the first go only to reduce time consumption.
7. Distract yourself from ‘distraction’: fix a quite place in your surroundings for your exam preparation. Keep anything which distracts you at bay allowing you to fully focus on what you are currently studying. Same goes for when you are on a break, don’t think about studies, rather just let your mind rest and become fresh.
8. Study in groups: two head are better than one. Group studies increase study level a lot. On the spot discussions and doubt, clearing saves time and doesn't break your focus.
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